Tags: 2nd reading 4 Week Response ambient informatics ambient intelligence apple t-shirts barbie burroughs Data POV presentation links delicious design intentions dispepsi emotions final project update Fogg internet of things iphone apps ipod lie detector lockton media midterm MIPs Netflix non-human persuasive technology POV Question 1 question2 Question 2 Reading 1 Reading 2 redesigning emotions sadness Sandra's Exposure Presentation sensor networks smart objects social persuasion Spimes technovelgy Technovelgy Group Assignment tv Week 3 Technovelgy Response week 4 non-human post week 4 reading response week 8 emotions
By clw336 (January 25, 2009) (Question 1,Reading 1)
BJ Fogg:
Its easy to forget how much we are influenced, or persuaded to do things in our lives. Perhaps its because we’re bombarded the whole time with marketing ploys, or because we think we’re immune to all this chatter. This piece made me hopeful to see the many examples where persuasive technologies were used for positive purposes, for example in education, health etc. It also made me appreciate the subtle nature of this persuasion, and the incredibly smart ways in which those designing websites can reach us. The explanation of the academic study of these techniques was particularly useful. Can we discuss more the macro and micro persuasion techniques, I understood the author’s discussion on micro persuasion, but missed the macro part.
Steve Talbot: Invisible Tools or Emotionally Supportive Pals
This piece complemented brilliantly the first piece. I found it in someways almost playful. The message that we want our ‘computer friends’ to praise us I found particularly interesting. This piece contrasted somewhat to the Fogg piece in the sense that Talbot advocates the user being aware of the persuasiveness of technology, whereas Fogg outlines the efficacy of the latent nature of these persuasive techniques. My question is, are these persuasive techniques more effective when the user has no idea of them or the extent to which they are being persuaded? I would argue, the more hidden the persuasive techniques, the greater their effectiveness, as the user has no idea they are being persuaded, hence isn’t resisting.
Jean-Francois Lyotard – System Fantasies: A Post Modern Fable
Please let’s discuss this – I loved it! And learned a ton of biological new words. I struggled to see the link between this piece and the first two readings. The fact that technology is something we use to increase our capabilities and overcome our deficiencies is a eloquent way to describe the increasing leaps in new processes and methods.  Lyotard states that:
‘Realism is the art of making reality, of knowing reality and knowing how to make reality. […] this art will still develop a lot in the future. Reality will be changed; making, knowing, and know-how will be changed.‘
The extent to which the persuasive nature of technology will impact the changes in our concept of reality is an interesting point to consider.
Assignment 1: How have I been persuaded by technology this week? Who designed my persuasion? What techniques might have been used? How might I redesign the experience?
Tonight I am going for dinner at a Japanese restaurant in the East Village. I suggested the place – and, as is usual, when making that suggestion via email, I sent the review of the restaurant from the website of New York Magazine. I always send the NY Magazine link to the restaurant. Sometimes in preference to the link to the website of the actual restaurant I am proposing. I often don’t need persuading about a restaurant myself, as I usually take people to places I have already been to. But in my attempts to inform others about a restaurant, this is my website of choice.
Why am I so confident of the site’s persuasive qualities? Firstly, it is elegantly and beautifully laid out. Secondly, it is the perfect blend of informativeness without verbosity. The review is often spot on in its length and has all the relevant information such as phone number for making a reservation, price, address all at the top. You can scan through in 15 seconds and have all the pertinent information on the place. Finally, it has reader reviews and a ratings system at the bottom – but firmly in addition to, and not instead of, a professional restaurant reviewer’s opinion.
I trust this review more than most online – so much so, its my choice when persuading others as to my favorite places to eat!
January 25, 2009