Tags: 2nd reading 4 Week Response ambient informatics ambient intelligence apple t-shirts barbie burroughs Data POV presentation links delicious design intentions dispepsi emotions final project update Fogg internet of things iphone apps ipod lie detector lockton media midterm MIPs Netflix non-human persuasive technology POV Question 1 question2 Question 2 Reading 1 Reading 2 redesigning emotions sadness Sandra's Exposure Presentation sensor networks smart objects social persuasion Spimes technovelgy Technovelgy Group Assignment tv Week 3 Technovelgy Response week 4 non-human post week 4 reading response week 8 emotions

By (January 17, 2009) ()


Persuasive technologies range from Google’s Image Labeler to the Karryfront Screamer Laptop Bag, from Clocky to Facebook’s socially-reinforced news feed updates. This class critically examines the design of these technologies as they play upon specific human emotions and vulnerabilities. In the spirit of transparency and ethical investigation, we explore approaches to subverting, upending and exposing our relation to such technologies. Furthermore, we examine the power of persuasive technologies in creating opportunities for communicating non-human intentions and viewpoints. Readings range from Douglas Adams on Genuine People Personalities, to Frank Herberts “Without Me, You’re Nothing,” Friedrich Juenger’s “The Failure of Technology”, to BJ Fogg, Nass and Rives, and the work in Critical Design by Dunne and Raby, among others. Through class discussion, readings and examples we identify human emotional/social touchpoints: jealousy, seduction, fear, risk, reward, etc. Students conduct their own analyses of a manipulation technique, and of its corresponding persuasive technology application. For the second assignment students develop and present a persuasive technology concept for a non-human object or viewpoint. An example might be Play Coalition’s “PlantBot,” which puts plants in control of their own mobility based on their need for sunlight. For midterm, guest critics provide feedback to students’ presentations of their final project concepts. Final projects are encouraged to be developed in conjunction with other ITP course work, such as networked objects, social media, game design, physical computing, thesis, mobile computing; or a written research analysis.

Class Outline

  1. Persuasive Technology, History, Ethics, and Implementations. Conflicts with Technology of Transparency.
  2. Designers perspectives:
    • Exposure, Designing Intent, Design Interventions, and Reverse Engineered Persuasive Technology.
    • Ambient Intelligence, Sensor networks, Data POV, Human Communication Protocols, and Ambient Personality Design.
  3. Receivers perspectives:
    • Designing, Undesigning, and Redesigning Emotions.
    • Socially Persuasive Technology: network effects, social and physical MIPS [Mass Interpersonal Persuasion (BJ Fogg)].
  4. In the Real World: Implementing and Producing PT Alternatives.
  5. The Human vs. The Designed Human, Failures of Technology

January 17, 2009